Three New Varieties of Cotton Industry Structure Adjustment

First, the new high-quality insect-resistant cotton line - GK-10 cotton

Variety Characteristics: It is a medium-early-maturing variety with compact plant type, hard stem lodging, green leaf color, medium leaf size, strong bell strength, concentrated bolls, smooth boll-opening, and easy picking. The fertility period is 125 days, the boll weight is 5 grams, the clothing content is 38%-40%, the fiber length is 29-31 millimeters, and the quality is excellent. Resistance to cotton bollworm, resistance to wilt disease, verticillium wilt, etc., is a disease-resistant variety. The fiber quality is excellent, and the indicators meet the requirements of cotton for textile industry. In 2001, they participated in regional trials of insect-resistant cotton varieties in the Huanghe-Huaihe River Basin. Whether it is the Daejeon broadcast, or cotton, cotton, cotton gourd, cotton (dwarf vegetables) and other intercroppings have been successful, generally 667 square meters (1 Mu) 400-500 kg of seed cotton, high yield up to 550 kg. According to the trial promotion of major cotton regions throughout the country, GK-10 cotton is a new breed of high-quality, high-yield and insect-resistant cotton.

Sowing time: April 10-20, sowing 1 kg per 667 square meters.

(China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Box 217, Wu Chaojun, zip code: 100081)

Second, summer cotton Lu 890

Variety characteristics: The short-season cotton new variety Lu 890 is an early-maturing, high-yielding, high-quality, disease-resistant short-season cotton cultivated by the Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has a total growth period of about 106 days, which is earlier than Zhongmian 30. 3 days. Smaller leaves, compact plant type, red fruit branches, fast peaches, concentrated flowering and belling, oval bells, thin bell shells, smooth boring, high resistance to cotton bollworm, high resistance to wilt disease, resistance to verticillium wilt. From 1999 to 2000, in a comparative test of short-season cotton new lines, the production of cotton 30 was more than 20% higher than that of the control, the pre-frost flower rate was over 90%, the number of coats was 40.1%-40.2%, and the boll weight was 4.6-5.4 g. Refers to 9.5-11.4 grams. In 2000, before the frost test in summer cotton area of ​​Henan Province, lint yield increased by 12% per 667 square meters compared with control Zhongmian 27, ranking first among the six tested varieties. Among the tested varieties, the shortest in the whole growth period and the highest pre-frost rate one of. The fiber quality was 2.5%, the fiber length was 28.8 mm, the ratio was 25.2, the Micron value was 5.0, and 3000-4000 strains were planted per 667 m2.

Third, the United States cotton resistance

Variety characteristics: This species is the latest double-resistant hybrid anti-insect cotton introduced by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is tested in various regions throughout the country and its insect resistance, disease resistance, and high yield traits are superior to Zhongmian29. Its strong growth potential, strong bell strength, high rate of bolling, and smooth boll opening, single bell weight 5.5g, big bell 6-7g, growth period about 128 days, plant height about 110cm, fruit branch 15-18 sticks The fruiting branches are longer. Each fruiting branch has 4-5 bells. Generally, 40 to 60 bolls per plant, and up to 82 knots per plant. Bo Ling, oval, 4-5 rooms, 40% of clothing, seed refers to 11.5 grams, 7.2 grams of clothing refers to the pre-frost flower rate of 86%, medium-sized fertilizer plots produce 400 kg of cotton per 667 square meters. A high-fertilizer plot can produce up to 500 kg of seed cotton.

Sowing period: from March 25 to May 25.

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