Small pig breeding technology

Xiaoxiang pig, unique to China, has the characteristics of easy feeding, high feed remuneration, and good marketability, and is a good project for the majority of farmers to shake off poverty and become rich.

The specific feeding techniques of the small pigs are as follows: The pigs should be built in a place where the terrain is dry, the leewards are sunny, and the flats are built.

The form of the pig house can be either single row or double row, but masonry walls and cement must be used to flush and clean the pig house. Small pig pigs should be cleaned more than normal pigs. Pighouses should be higher than ordinary pig houses. According to the experience of the small pig raising households, each small hog should occupy 0.8 square meters, and 8 to 10 heads are suitable for each captivity.

A defecate farm should be set up outside the pig house. The area of ​​the defecate farm should be larger than the pig house. Calculated on 1.5 square meters per pig, 10 pigs should have a 15 square meter fecal site. Summer shacks are shaded pergola. In winter, plastic sheds are used to raise the room temperature. This is an important condition for raising small pigs.

Feeding good piglets is the key to improving the survival rate and commercial pigs. After the baby is born, it is necessary to fix the sow's nipple, so that the piglets can eat the colostrum well, and strengthen the insulation, allowing them to eat early, usually after 4 days of birth. Can be supplemented with concentrated feed, one month after the timely injection of swine fever, swine erysipelas, swine flu vaccine.

Small pigs are lively, timid, and frightened, so keep quiet, dry, and clean. Main feeds include barley, rice bran and bran. However, weaned piglets should be fed with compound feeds. The feed formulation is: corn 10%, rice bran 50%, bean cake 8% to 10%, bran 30%, flour 1%, salt 0.5%, per kilogram of feed should contain digestion It is 10.5 MJ, 16.2% of crude protein. In order to increase feed remuneration and meet the standards of commodity pigs as soon as possible, scientific feeding should be carried out. The first is to schedule regular meals four times a day starting at 7:00 in the morning and feeding once every 4 hours; the second is quantitation and weighing more than 20 kg. The pigs were fed at 4.5% of their body weight, and pigs within 20 kg were fed at 3.5% of their body weight.

At the same time, the front-end open limit, that is, after 2 months of age, limits its activities and promotes its longevity, so as to ensure a higher rate of meat production. First, no disease early prevention, wash stool 1 times a day, shading summer shade awning, winter deduction warm greenhouse insulation, often brushing troughs, sinks, regular disinfection of pig houses; Second, early treatment of disease, especially to prevent and control piglets deputy Typhoid fever. After the piglets are raised from 5 weeks old to 7 weeks old, they can be marketed as raw materials for roast pigs. At this time, the pigs should be slaughtered in time. If the pigs are sold, they can be slaughtered at the required time.

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