7 rules for proper dining

We have determined the significance of staple foods for human health and quality of life. We should know how to use staple foods in a scientific and healthy manner. Which carbohydrates should be eaten more and which carbohydrates should be appropriate. By mastering these principles, we will not only be fat, but also very healthy and energetic.

1. The confrontation of coarse grains and refined grains.

In ancient times, most of the staple foods consumed by people were coarse grains. With the development of the food processing industry, the original cereals have changed beyond recognition. Most of them are processed into refined flour by “skinning” and used to make taro, bread, and cake that are easier to enter. Even the coarse grains that we often talk about have gone through modern processing or starch denaturation techniques and become more delicate and delicious.

These refined foods are easily absorbed by the body and cause new problems in human blood sugar control. In order to confront the body as an easily absorbed calorie store, we should choose more coarse fiber coarse grains such as beans, oats, and brown rice in our diet.

2. How many staple foods a day is enough?

How many staple foods can be eaten each day to ensure the supply of adequate carbohydrates to meet people's daily needs? The average adult woman can eat about 250 grams of staple food every day, and men can increase to 400 grams. The source of carbohydrates is very rich, including rice, noodles, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans. Among these carbohydrates, healthy and low-fat quality carbohydrates are preferred at first.

3. When eating a staple food, be alert to fat.

Enjoy the fat and delicious, you can no longer tolerate the dry and tasteless oil-free food. Whether you are buying supermarket food, restaurant friends, or family dinners, you can't hide high-fat foods. In fact, we are often tempted by the aroma of fat. For example, we like the sweetness of cream, like the tenderness of animal fat, like to make oil-free vegetables and salads shine, and add sauce containing thick animal oil. The wand with fat, boring, high-carbohydrate foods like vegetables and cereals are also dramatically transformed into very delicious and energy-rich foods.

A reasonable mix of carbohydrates and fat can make the body's daily calorie balance. To ensure the reasonable amount of fat, it is necessary to control the intake of "oil" first. Among all cooking oils, olive oil should be the first choice, and cooking methods should be as simple as possible to avoid frying and frying. More cooking can not only impart more flavor to the food, but also be more healthy and beneficial.

4. Grains to prevent hair loss.

Grains can make kidneys, and kidneys have more hair. Nowadays, advertising for the treatment of hair loss has become more and more intense because of the excessive consumption of refined food by people or the rejection of staple foods. Inadequate intake of staple foods can easily lead to deficiency of blood and blood and kidney qi deficiency, which naturally leads to hair loss. Fear of gaining fat and deliberately not eating the staple food, it is easy to damage the kidney due to imbalanced nutrition. In addition, eating less staple foods, eating meat is bound to increase, studies have shown that excessive intake of meat is an important "accomplice" to cause seborrheic alopecia.

Therefore, daily intake of 300-400 grams of staple foods can prevent hair loss.

5. Before working, please absorb enough carbohydrates.

According to the research of foreign experts, people who almost quit carbohydrates during weight loss have difficulty in testing that requires high cognitive ability. And the lack of carbohydrate intake, the body will be insufficient glucose synthesis, and glucose is the only source of energy for brain work. After stopping the intake of staple foods and relying solely on protein and vegetables to provide energy, it is very easy to cause low blood sugar levels. The energy supply to the brain is insufficient, and people feel that they cannot concentrate, be restless and tired. So don’t forget about carbohydrates if you want to ensure that your work day is high.

6. Poor memory? Maybe eat too little food.

A survey conducted by the University of Tafras found that women who have not eaten high-energy foods such as pasta, bread, pizza, and potatoes for a week have memory and cognitive impairment. The researchers in charge of the study pointed out that this is because brain cells need glucose as energy, but brain cells cannot store glucose, need continuous supply through the blood supply, and insufficient intake of carbohydrate foods may cause a decrease in the supply of glucose needed by brain cells. , Injury to learning, memory and thinking.

7. Eating whole wheat foods does not mean that you do not gain weight.

Common whole wheat products include whole wheat bread, whole wheat biscuits, oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice, and kibbled cereals. Eating whole wheat foods is good for weight loss. Whole wheat foods contain bran, which is not found in ordinary flour, and the main component of bran is cellulose. Each 100 grams of white powder produces about 350 kcal (1 kcal = 4.10 kJ) of heat, while the same amount of whole wheat flour produces 317 kcal, so eating whole wheat flour produces about 10% less calories than normal flour.

In addition, dietary fiber, which is rich in whole wheat flour, cannot only be absorbed by the human body, but also absorbs 5 to 25 times more water than itself and stays in the stomach for a longer time, which can increase satiety and reduce eating. And since whole-grain foods are relatively “coarse” and require a long time for chewing, they are generally not connected to eat a lot.

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