Prevention and Treatment of Rabbit Osteoarthritis

Prevention must first focus on the daily feeding and management of rabbits, scientific feed supply, and maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus. It is required that the daily calcium and phosphorus intake of rabbits should account for 0.22% and 0.3% of the diet, and appropriate amount of bone meal can be added to rabbit feed. , shell powder, eggshell powder and other mineral feed; second choice is to build a rabbit house in the dry terrain, convenient drainage, north to south, leeward sunny place, especially in the winter to ensure that rabbits have enough sunlight, and let rabbits have Moderate exercise and so on.

Treatment can be given to intramuscular injection of vitamin AD injection 0.5-1 ml or intramuscular injection of vitamin D injection. Can also be used calcium glue 1000 ~ 5000 international units for diseased rabbits, taking 1 or 2 times a day, 7 days of continuous service for a course of treatment. Rabbits can also be taken to bone powder 2 to 3 grams, 0.5 to 2 grams of lactic acid. Cola liver oil to sick rabbits each 1 to 2 ml, and add a piece of calcium in the diet, serving 2 to 3 times a day, and even served 5 to 7 days, the effect is not bad.

Lishida Soybean Sauce,as a Chinese traditional sauce,is mainly for noodles and fried dishes,and perfect for dipping  dumplings,cold dishes,crispy wontons.It's also used for seasoning when stir frying pork and chicken.It is brewed from high quality non-GMO yellow soybeans in the traditional process to make sure this product is salty,fresh and healthy!

Soybean Sauce

Fermented Soybean Sauce,Soya Bean Sauce