Eliminating traditional breeding methods and improving the efficiency of raising pigs with "four changes"

The times are advancing, the society is developing, and knowledge is being updated. The traditional method of raising pigs has not kept up with the progress of the times and must be reformed and updated so that we can keep up with the times and obtain high economic benefits.

In the past, the growth of pigs during the fattening phase was focused on long-term fat, and a year of living oil and water was obtained. Now the focus of pig raising is not long fat but long muscles. Therefore, there is no need for large amounts of protein feed, such as bean cake or peanut cake. If the protein feed is fed in large quantities, the pig must remove the nitrogenous part of the protein in the gastrointestinal tract, and other nitrogen-free parts can be converted into fat, but denitrification consumes more energy. In addition, the bean cake or peanut cake contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids. After feeding more, it can make the pig's fat soft and yellow, and it will not make the meat strong, but it will reduce the quality of the meat. In addition, the market price of cake feeds is much higher than that of other feeds, which will increase the cost of feeding, which is a waste.

Change the feed to feed

After the feed is cooked, the vitamins are almost completely destroyed and the proteins in the feed age and denature. According to statistics, 20% of nutrients are lost during the process of cooking, and the nutritional components of boiled green fodder have a greater loss. If the boiled pot is kept in the pot for a long time, nitrite poisoning may occur during feeding. Severe pigs will die. Feeding and feeding, on the other hand, can not only greatly improve feed nutrient levels and effective utilization of feed, but also greatly reduce energy consumption and labor costs, and also shorten the feeding period.

Change the dilute soup to fill the belly feeding method for dry feeding

In the past, the traditional method of feeding pigs with dilute soup was unscientific. The main harms are:

1. It increases the energy required for water metabolism in pigs and increases the burden on the kidneys.

2. Dilution of the concentration of digestive juice is not conducive to the secretion of digestive juice.

3. Accelerating the speed of feed through the digestive tract necessarily reduces the digestibility of the feed, especially in winter. Pigs have less dry matter, which affects daily weight and slaughter rate.

In order to increase the feed intake of pigs, allow the pigs to eat much faster, grow faster, should promote the feeding of thick porridge, the ratio of feed to water is 1:2, can also be fed with raw materials, the ratio of feed to water is 1: 1, In addition, how to use dry feeding methods, provide adequate drinking water.

Change the big pigs for slaughter

In the past, people thought that the bigger the pigs were, the better, and the bigger the slaughter, the more money they make. Actually, this is a misconception that has been confirmed by practice. The slaughter of large pigs not only artificially lengthened the feeding cycle, increased the cost of feeding, increased ergonomics, but also increased the chance of pigs getting infected and increased the risk of feeding. The growth and development of pigs has its own laws. Pigs above 100 kilograms have a slow growth rate. It is not that the bigger pigs grow faster. Therefore, the slaughter of pigs should be carried out when the speed of weight gain begins to slow down and the feed compensation starts to decline. Do not artificially lengthen the feeding cycle. The optimum temperature for pig growth is 18°C ​​to 23°C, and the growth rate of pigs is less than 18°C. Especially in winter, when the temperature drops, considering the reduction of feed costs, bred pigs should be slaughtered or slaughtered in advance.

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