Precocious application of tomato fertilizer early and high yield

First, the demand for fertilizer in tomato According to analysis, the production of 5000 kilograms of tomatoes, about the need to absorb pure nitrogen 12.5 kilograms, phosphorus pentoxide 2 kilograms, potassium oxide 18 kilograms. Nitrogen promotes the growth of stems and leaves and ensures the need for fruitful growth. Nitrogen is very important especially in the early stages of growth. If nitrogen is insufficient, the leaves of the whole plant are yellow-green and prematurely decayed; the total amount of phosphorus absorbed by tomatoes is small, but Phosphorus has a special status, especially in the seedling stage, phosphorus can promote the growth of the root system, while phosphorus plays a great role in tomato germination and differentiation, fruit and seed development, not only can increase the yield, but also can promote fruit ripening. The chemical composition analysis showed that the fruit accounted for 94% of the absorbed phosphoric acid, while the stem and leaf accounted for only 6%. When there was a lack of phosphorus, the fruit was small, the fruit was small, the leaves were small, the leaf color was dark green, the veins were purple, and the bottom leaf rolled up into a tube The application of potash fertilizer can promote the assimilation and transfer of nutrients, increase the content of sugar and vitamin C, and have a good effect on the shape and color of the fruit. If potassium is insufficient, starting from the base leaves, the leaves begin to yellow from the edges, then turn brown, and the texture becomes brittle.
Second, the fertilization method of tomato
1, Shi foot base fertilizer. The basal fertilizer is adequate, the seedlings are early, the early growth is fast, and both the vegetative growth and the reproductive growth are good. This is the key to early maturing and high yield of tomato. Generally combined with 5000 kg of arable land to spread manure, and then do the ditch or point application of high-quality fertilizer, such as cake fat, dung and dry 100 kg, and compound fertilizer 20-25 kg. Tomato response to fertilizer is very sensitive, high-fertilizer enough water can win high yield, but in the base fertilizer can not use too much nitrogen, to make the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
2, dressing is reasonable. Tomatoes are the fruits of successive growth. In addition to base fertilizers, top dressings are also required. The first topdressing was planting with easing seedlings after planting, and the type was manure, ammonium sulfate, urea, etc. The amount of top dressing accounted for about 20% of the total amount of top dressings in the whole period; After the ear's fruit begins to expand, it is necessary to apply the second fertilizer, this time is the key period of dressing, and the amount is large, accounting for about 40% of the total amount of topdressing fertilizer. The types of top dressing include ammonium sulfate, urea, ammonium bicarbonate, human waste, Superphosphate, potassium fertilizer, etc., should pay attention to the application of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer; the first fruit will be mature, in order to promote the growth of the second and third ear fruits, and to prevent premature aging of the seedlings, the third fertilizer, the amount of total fertilizer during the whole period 20% of the fruit on the second ear; the fruit on the second ear begins to ripen, and the 4th top-dressing is performed when the fruit on the 3rd 4th panicle grows rapidly; if the fertility of the soil is insufficient, the application amount of the basal fertilizer is low and the growth of the seedling is retarded, but also according to the actual situation. Carry out the 5th and 6th dressings. When using manure and urine as top dressing, it should be lighter at the beginning and thicker at the later stage. According to the soil fertility level and the amount of basal fertilizer applied, and the harvest period of tomato fruit is different, the general fertility recovery period is 80-100 kg.
Fertilizer can be applied either dry or with water. When applying dry fertilizer, sprinkle the fertilizer between the plants in the pot (be careful not to sprinkle on the leaves or fruits) and then sprinkle the water. You can also open a ditch or dig a small pit to apply, cover the soil after watering, do not be too close to the main root when you open the ditch, otherwise it is easy to burn roots, ditch fertilization not only concentrated, and fertilizer efficiency, but more laborious. In other words, the method of saving labor, materials, and fertilizer is quicker than that of the root dressing. The main types and concentrations used are: 2% superphosphate, 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and 0.5% urea. Outside the root dressing should be selected sunny, spraying should ensure that there is no rain before 24 hours to be effective, the best spraying time in the evening or morning there is dew, should not be carried out at noon, so as to avoid the high temperature and speed up the liquid concentration rate Causes phytotoxicity. In addition, the use of boron, manganese, copper and other trace elements of foliar spray, there is an increase of tomato vitamin C and soluble substances content.
The response of tomato to the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application is acute. When the irrigation is large, the temperature is high, and the seedlings of the colonization are tender and weak, if the nitrogen fertilizer is applied excessively, the stems and leaves tend to be too luxuriant, the phenomenon of leggy often occurs, and abnormal stems appear. Flowering fruit and fruit development. Therefore, in the early stage of plant growth, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer should not be excessive before fruit growth and development. In the fruit enlargement time, umbilical rot disease often occurs due to the lack of calcium in the soil or the ability of plants to absorb calcium. If calcium phosphide is sprayed as early as possible, it will receive a significant control effect.

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