Phalaenopsis flowering technology

In order to provide butterfly orchids to the market during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival, Shandong Province Rizhao City Bureau of Forestry and Rizhao City Agricultural High-tech Demonstration Park conducted a three-year research on Phalaenopsis flowering technology and systematically summarized a set of technical regulations.

Production facilities

The improved solar greenhouse is equipped with the necessary temperature and humidity control equipment such as heating of fan coils, wet curtain of fans, and cooling and humidifying of external shade.

Technical measures

temperature control

(1) Day and night temperature: During the vegetative growth, the temperature is controlled between 26°C and 28°C, and the maximum temperature is not more than 32°C; the night temperature is controlled between 20°C and 23°C, and the minimum temperature is not lower than 15°C.

(2) High-temperature treatment: 1 month before low-temperature treatment, phlegm temperature 28 °C ~ 30 °C, night temperature 20 °C ~ 23 °C, combined with enhanced light, promote plant accumulation of nutrients, in order to better transform into reproductive growth.

(3) Low-temperature treatment: 4 to 5 months before the planned flowering period, the temperature of the alfalfa falls to 25°C and the night temperature drops to 18°C. At this temperature, the phalaenopsis turns from vegetative growth to reproductive growth and begins to form flower buds. Continue for 1 to 1.5 months to complete the entire process of flower bud formation. When the pedicels grow to about 10 cm, the cryogenic treatment is terminated. If you extend the low temperature treatment time, you will delay the flowering period; if you finish earlier, the extracted pedicel grows thinner and weaker, so it is better to grasp the time of low temperature treatment.

(4) Pedicel elongation and temperature treatment during bud development: Diurnal temperature is (25°C~28°C)/(18°C~20°C). In this temperature environment, the peduncle is thick, and the bud develops rapidly and hypertrophically. Well, when the stems are taken out of the calyx, special attention must be paid to changes in temperature. It should not be too fast, or it may easily lead to budding. When flowering, day and night temperatures can be reduced to 25°C/18°C.

Humidity control

The relative humidity should generally be controlled at 60% to 80%, the humidity is too high to be susceptible to diseases, and the humidity is too low, which is detrimental to the growth of orchids. When the greenhouse ventilation is good, the relative humidity in the day is about 70%, and about 80% at night, which is favorable for the rapid growth of Phalaenopsis.

(1) Increase the greenhouse humidity method: a. Do not make concrete floor except the aisle, and use the mud surface or sand stone floor as the best; b. Spray water or water on the ground; c. Spray and humidify.

(2) Method of reducing humidity: a. Natural ventilation or forced ventilation; b. Increasing temperature and reducing humidity.

(3) It should be noted that do not increase the humidity by pouring plenty of water into the basin. This can easily cause rot. The humidity in the greenhouse should not be changed too quickly. Otherwise, the phenomenon of budding can easily occur.

Lighting control

Phalaenopsis has strict requirements for light, and the light cannot be too strong or too weak. If it is too strong, it can cause sunburn. The light tissue is injured, the leaves turn yellow, and the grayish white color is serious, and it causes anthrax; the light is too weak. Photosynthesis The reduced ability leads to the leaves being long and weak and sagging, which is not conducive to flower bud differentiation and has a small number of flowers. The general light intensity is 15,000 to 20000 lux. When the flower is treated with high temperature before flowering, the light should be slightly increased to 20,000 to 25,000 lux, so that the seedlings can accumulate more nutrients, better from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, and the flowers are even more Neat and better quality.

Water and fertilizer control

To cultivate Phalaenopsis, it is necessary to apply the appropriate amount of fertilizer at the appropriate time. In the case of Phlox orchids, the compound fertilizer 2000 times of n:p:k of 20:20:20 is generally used; the application of high-phosphorus fertilizer is required 1 to 2 times before flowering. : p:k is 9:45:15 compound fertilizer 2000 times; after the peduncle grows, application compound n:p:k is 10:30:20 2000 times; when pedicels grow to about 10cm, A compound fertilizer with a n:p:k ratio of 30:10:10 was sprayed at 2000 times; when the flower buds grew to flower, the fertilization was stopped. The relationship between water and fertilizer is 2 times of fertilized water. Orchids hi dry, avoid wet, to see dry see wet, do not pour it already, pouring is drenched. When it is found that there is a yellowing phenomenon at the root tip, or when the new root touches the surface of the aquatic plant, it cannot shrink. If it is too much water or fat, it should be observed first, and water or rinsing treatment should be performed according to the situation. The ec value and ph value should be measured every other day after fertilization. The appropriate ph value is 5.5 to 6.5. The ec value is lower than 1.6 ms/cm. The fertilization concentration should not be too large and should be applied thinly.

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