
Species name: Artemisia halodendron

Scientific name: Argyranthemum frutescens

Alias: Basil, taraxacum, chamomile

Family: Compositae: Artemisia

Origin of distribution: The native Canary Islands (near the coast of northwestern Africa).

Morphological characteristics: Asteraceae is a perennial herb or semi-shrub plant, up to 1 m. Stems erect, much branched. Leaves ovate or oblong, 10-12 cm long, 4-5 cm wide, 1-2-pinnatifid. Inflorescences numerous, apposed, irregularly shed at coccopods at the tip of stems, rayate, white. Achenes have 1 raised rib and 4-7 inconspicuous fine ribs, crown-crown.

Habitat distribution: native to Europe. Our country courtyard has cultivation.

Uses: Can be used to beautify roadsides and flower beds.

Wand Massager

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