Development of lawns should use more native grass species

The lawn is artificially built and planted or artificially maintained and managed, and landscaping and greening are used as grasslands. In terms of its composition, turf is an abbreviation for turfgrass and usually refers to a cover that is covered with albus and other fine textures, and is filled with soil surface layers in roots and stolons. Therefore, the lawn is an important part of the environmental greening and is a product of modern civilization. As the ultimate manifestation of environmental science, it plays an important role in greening the environment, transforming nature and governing land, and improving the quality of human life. The more developed the modern civilization, the more extensive the use of lawns. In recent years, especially since the implementation of the "Beautiful Landscape Project", there has been a surge of turf greenery in urban greening, but watch carefully that parks, factories, courtyards, and street pavilions are mostly grass crops in other places. Most of these varieties have low adaptability and are poor in cold and drought tolerance. Therefore, the preservation rate is extremely low, which not only affects the human and financial resources of the greening process and effects, but also consumes a lot of water resources. According to the climatic characteristics of the turfgrass growth area, we usually divide the turfgrass into cold and warm types. Cold-type turfgrass refers to turfgrass that grows normally under cold weather conditions. This type of lawn is suitable for planting in northern China. The private botanical garden at Woyunshan Private Garden in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province is a private entity that introduces and nurtures local living plants. While nurturing trees and shrubs, they collected and cultivated more than 20 pasture species and more than a dozen turfgrass species. Among them, five cold-tolerant and drought-prone varieties were determined to be suitable for promotion in northern cities. In turn: one, Zhimu grass: alias garlic dumplings, cotton grass, as Liliaceae plants, often wild in the sunny slopes, grasslands, weeds and hilly dunes. The soil is not strict, cold and dry, resistant to trampling, and resistant to sandstorms. Seeds or rhizomes can be used for breeding, and seedlings can be selected and then sown and planted. Second, the pepper grass: Alias ​​mountain pepper, with "thyme" reputation, for the labiatae plants, wild in hillside, grasslands and other places, hi dry and mild climate, drought-resistant moisture, suitable for sandy loam soil, loess soil cultivation. It can be used as a lawn for planting in gardens, resistant to pedaling, and strong in fragrance. It is an ideal turf type in arid and semi-arid areas. Third, Bincao: Alias ​​valerian, grass perennials, wild in sunny places, cold and drought, strong roots, the first to turn green in the region, adaptability, autumn yellow with one of the latest turfgrass species. Fourth, the sand reeds: alias sand scorpion, grass perennials. Wild in semi-fixed sandy land, cold and dry, resistant to sand, or a good pasture. Fifth, sand Thorn Oxytropis: Alias ​​sand bean, bubble grass, for the legume perennials, stems very short, clustered, dense leaves, beautiful flowers, suitable for lawn embellishment, but also a cold and drought, anti-aeolian grass species . As an important part of environmental science, lawns will receive more attention from people as the economy develops. Therefore, the development of the turf industry, especially the development of the turf industry in rural areas, is very optimistic. In the future, the lawn operators should strengthen the exchange of turfgrass information and experience, and determine the cultivation of suitable turf species to accelerate the improvement of the ecological environment.

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