Skillful spicy dried pork

Ingredients: 10 kg pork, 200 grams of salt, 400 grams of soy sauce, 40 grams of dried red chili powder, 500 grams of white sugar, 200 grams of white wine, 20 grams of MSG, 20 grams of curry powder, 50 grams of cinnamon, anise 30 grams. Raw material finishing: Select qualified fresh pork lean meat, remove bones, tendons, fat, cut into pieces of about 500 grams. Place the meat in cold water, soak for 1 hour, rinse and drain. Precooked slices: Place the washed meat pieces in a pan, heat and cook until the pieces of meat are ripe, remove and cool. Then, cut into rectangular pieces of pork or diced meat. Cooking: Cut the sliced ​​meat on the pot and add about 2.5kg of the soup. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, cinnamon, anise, chili powder, etc. according to the ratio. Heat and boil. When the soup is quickly dried, stir fry and add white wine and stir-fry. Finally, add MSG and curry powder. Baking: The fried meat pieces are pan-baked, spread, and placed on an iron sieve, fed into an oven, and baked every other hour. About 7 hours after baking, when the meat pieces are hardened, they are baked. After cooling, they are finished products and packaged.

We are manufaturer for kinds of Fruit. We have orange, apricot,etc. Healthy food.


Fresh Apricot,Organic Navel Oranges,Mandarin Orange,Sweet Citrus

Chengdu Minghe Agriculture Co.,Ltd ,