Chinese Cabbage Hybrid Seed Production Technology

1. Selection of isolation. Cabbage is a strict cross-pollination crop, and honeybees are the main pollinators. Farming in open land system Choose no rape, turnip and other cabbage vegetable cultivation within 2000 meters to ensure seed purity. Farming requires deep plowing, fertile soil and irrigated conditions.

2. Yangshuo nursery. (1) Build Yangshuo. Yangshuo is generally built in late November. For each 1/15 hectare (1 mu) of production, the seedling area needs to be 25 to 30 square meters. Yangshuo is east-west direction. The north wall is 40 to 50 cm high, the south wall is 10 to 12 cm high, and the wall is 20 to 30 cm wide. The width is about 1.3 meters, depending on the planting area. Close to the north wall, use a straw or corn stalk to make a wind barrier at 75 degrees with Yangshuo. (2) sowing. Every 66.7 square meters of seedbed should be treated with high quality decomposed 300 kg of soil-fertilizer, 2 kg of diammonium phosphate, 1 kg of potassium sulfate, and 0.1 kg of phoxim granules to control the underground pests, then deep-turning the leveling, and the parent planting time should be 12 In the middle and late of the month, parents should sow separately. Before sowing, be sure to pour in enough water in the pot. After the water seeps, press 6 to 8 cm to drill on the spot. After sowing, cover 0.5 to 1 cm of fine soil and cover the membrane. Cover the grass or wheat straw at night. Insulation. (3) Seedbed management. In principle, high temperature (28 ~ 30 °C) emergence, flat temperature (20 ~ 25 °C) long seedlings, low temperature (0 ~ 5 °C) hardening seedlings. Before the emergence of no ventilation, cold and cloudy grass cover early to cover the early cover (should avoid cloudy days uncovered grasshopper), sunny early cover to cover, snow days to timely remove the snow on the membrane, before and after noon can be uncovered. After the seedlings are in full bloom, the seedlings are ventilated. 30 days before planting, the film is gradually peeled off during the day and covered at night with no cover; the seedlings can not be covered with film until 5 to 7 days before planting, so that the seedlings can adapt to the environment of Daejeon and improve. Seedling survival rate.

3. Planting and field management. It is usually planted in the middle or early March. Before planting, 4 to 5 tons of earth-fertilizer per 1 to 15 hectares, 50 kg of diammonium phosphate and 1 to 2 kg of boron fertilizer are planted. Each row is planted with 2 rows, generally spaced 50 cm apart, with a spacing of 40 cm, 3300 plants per 1/15 hectares, a ratio of 1:1 parental bank, and then covered with plastic film to improve ground temperature, promote early growth, and increase yield. The purpose of income increase.

Field management should master the principles of pre-control, promotion, and post-control. In order to control locusts without killing the bees, it can be used to control fog; the downy mildew can be treated with chlorothalonil or metalaxyl. Full artificial pollination can be carried out at flowering stage. Generally, bamboo shoots or two long strings are pulled at 9 to 10 o'clock in the morning and at 3 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon to shake the plants and promote seeds of pollination and increase yield.

4. Harvest. Most of the plants entered the yellow ripe stage, that is, the plants changed from green to light yellow, and the pods appeared greenish yellow, which was suitable for harvesting. It is necessary to use a sickle to harvest the dew in the morning to prevent it from falling. After threshing, it is forbidden to expose to the asphalt or concrete floor to prevent high-temperature seeding. When drying, it is best to put it on a cloth, dry it, remove the impurities, and store it in bags.

Goji Berry Juice is rich of polysaccharides, Betaine,zeaxanthine,physalein,Ascorbic acid,Carotene,Riboflavin,Nicotine,Thiamine,taurine,Vitamine E,Vitamin C,Vitamin B1,Vitamin B2,content of Vitamin C same as orange,and wolfberry contain 19 kinds of amino acid,and K,Na,Ca,Mg,Fe,Cu,Mn,Zn,Se,21 kinds of minerals,and the concentration of Beta-carotene in wolfberry even higher than carrot,effect protein concentration more than bee pollen. 

Natural Goji Juice Nfc

Natural Goji Juice,Natural Goji Juice Nfc,Natural Healthy Wolfberry Juice