Experts how to eat hot pot

1. Put more vegetables in the hot pot seasoning not only meat, fish and animal internal organs and other food, but also must put more vegetables. Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and chlorophyll, its more cold and cool, not only can eliminate greasy, to supplement the lack of human vitamins, as well as cool, detoxification, to the role of fire, but do not put the vegetables for a long time to cook, only to eliminate fire.

2 put some tofu

Tofu is a kind of soy product containing gypsum. Tofu is properly placed in the hot pot, which not only can supplement the intake of many trace elements, but also can play the role of gypsum's heat and fire, eliminate irritability and quench thirst.

3. Add some white lotus

White Lotus is not only rich in many nutrients, but also a good medicine for human body tonic. In the hotpot, the white lotus is properly added. This combination of ingredients helps to balance the nutrition and is beneficial to health. It is best to add lotus root instead of lotus seeds because the lotus heart has the function of pure heart and purging fire.

4 can put some ginger

Ginger can be seasoned, cold-resistant, can not put a hot pot of ginger inside, because ginger cool, there are scattered fire heat effect.

5 seasonings should be light

Seasonings such as sand-tea sauce and chili sauce are great for gastrointestinal irritation. The use of lighter sauces such as soy sauce and sesame oil can avoid irritation to the stomach and stomach and reduce “hot air”.

6. Eat more fruit after meals

In general, you can eat some fruit after eating hot pot thirty to forty minutes. The fruit is cool and has a good fire-fighting effect. Eating only one or two fruits after dinner can prevent “burning”.

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