Potato rich in mineral food

Potatoes contain 9 of the 14 basic minerals we routinely need, such as ensuring that heart-healthy potassium minerals are inorganic substances on Earth.

Every day we need to consume minerals to ensure our body grows. There are ninety-two types of minerals in nature, of which fourteen are what we call the basic minerals the body needs. These minerals are mainly to ensure that all parts of our body (bones, teeth, hair, blood, nerves and skin) Develops and synthesizes vitamins, enzymes, and hormones that your body needs. These fourteen minerals include: calcium, chromium, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc. They make up the main components of our teeth and bones and synthesize the cells and biochemical enzymes in our bodies. Minerals can regulate body fluids in our bodies and control the movement of nerve impulses; some minerals also provide the oxygen needed for cells and remove carbon dioxide produced in the body.

On the whole, Chinese residents' diets show a lack of minerals. A nutritionist. He said that although Chinese residents are eating better and better, the lack of minerals in the Chinese diet has not improved during the past decade. The common lack of food in the diets of urban and rural residents in China is iron. The Ministry of Health survey last year showed that one in five Chinese people suffer from anemia.

Another problem is that the calcium intake of Chinese residents is not enough. Our average daily intake of about 391 milligrams of calcium is only 40% of the recommended intake. Adolescents are significantly deprived of zinc, and 40% of children under 7 years old suffer from zinc deficiency.

If you pay attention to your daily diet, you can get enough minerals. Fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, beans, and dairy products are rich in minerals. Potatoes that grow underground naturally absorb many minerals in the soil. It can be said to be a treasure house of minerals. The potato contains nine of the fourteen minerals that we need.

The minerals in potatoes can play an effective role in preventing hypertension. Last year's statistics showed that about 160 million Chinese people (19% of China's total adult population) suffer from high blood pressure, which is an increase of 78% compared with 90 million in 1991.

A 148-gram potato can provide 21% of the daily potassium requirement of the human body. Potassium has preventive and therapeutic effects on cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and hypertension. Potassium, magnesium, and calcium (which are also included in the potato) work together to increase blood vessel elasticity and help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

A 148-gram potato can provide 6% of the body's daily phosphorus requirement. It is the basic material for building bones and teeth. In addition, phosphorus can also help our body produce energy. The normal work of every cell and cell membrane in our body is inseparable from phosphorus.

Although the potato has been used as a vegetable, more and more Chinese people find it suitable as a daily staple food. The potato is very convenient and can be eaten with other foods. It also has the characteristics of cereals and vegetables. It provides much more nutrients than regular staple foods. Potatoes are not only rich in minerals but also rich in vitamin C like other vegetables and fruits. A 148-gram potato can provide 45% of the body's daily needs of vitamin C. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C protects the body's cells; potatoes are also rich in trace elements, and even fruits like bananas and apples cannot compare to. In addition, potatoes are fat-free and can provide 12% of our daily dietary fiber and 10% of vitamin B6.

So don't forget the potato, a nutrient-rich vegetable that grows underground when you prepare a daily meal.

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Rongcheng Jingyi Oceanic Technology Company Limited , https://www.jingyifoods.cn