Cultivation techniques of alfalfa

Alfalfa is a perennial erect herbaceous plant of the family Leguminosae, which has a plant height of 0.8 to 1.6 meters and is nutritious (crude protein content is between 18% and 26%, mineral content is high, and vitamins are also very high. Rich, adaptable (cold-tolerant, drought-tolerant, salt-tolerant), high yield (generally 1,000 kg of hay per mu - 1800 kg) and other characteristics, known as "the king of pasture". Its cultivation techniques are as follows: 1. Preparation before sowing 1. Selection of land. Deep and loose soil, easy drainage and irrigation, neutral or slightly alkaline soil with pH 6.5--7.5 are most suitable. It can also grow well on saline soils with 0.2% salt content in the soil and is not suitable for clay. 2. Land preparation. Fine soil preparation, thorough weed removal. In spring sowing, it is necessary to plough the stubble after harvesting the crop in the previous year. Weeding, mulching, and then deep-drafting, the tillage depth should reach 20 cm, and then weave and pressure to make it flat; autumn sowing should be done after the crop is harvested. Flat, grated. 3. Base fertilizer. Combined application of base fertilizer, Mushi 2000 kg of manure, 10 kg of urea, 20 kg of potassium sulfate and 50 kg of superphosphate. As the seeds are not salt-tolerant, the soil should be washed and washed with salt before sowing, or the whole seedlings can be easily planted after raining. Second, sowing 1. Seed treatment. Seeds should go through selection, dried, so that the seed's clarity can reach 90%; before sowing, pesticides, herbicides, rhizobia and fertilizers can be proportioned and seeded to avoid seedling pests and diseases. The use of rhizobia and other bacterial fertilizers for dressing (1 kg of rhizobia can be mixed with 10 kg of seeds) can increase production by more than 20%. 2. Sowing time. Seed germination requires two conditions: First, the ground temperature at 5 °C - 6 °C, the optimum temperature within 25 °C; Second, the need for more water. Spring and autumn sowing are the best. Partial saline-alkali plots should not be sown in spring, which can easily cause dead seedlings. 1 Ling Ling sowing. In the spring, it is necessary to top seed before Chingming (end of March - early April). At this time, the soil was thawed and the humidity was high. Late in the spring when there is a gale, it is difficult to emerge. 2 summer broadcast. Usually in June - July. During this period, the temperature is high, rainfall is high, seedlings grow fast, but weeds are also numerous, and pests and diseases occur frequently. 3 autumn broadcast. Generally at the end of August - early September. This period after the rainy season, soil moisture is good, temperature is appropriate, weeds grow slower, and the sowing success rate is the highest. Regardless of the sowing method, it should be combined with rain or irrigation, and it is best after the rain. After sowing, they should be suppressed to facilitate the seed germination. 3. Seeding method. Drilling is generally used, with a spacing of 30 cm - 40 cm. The currently-employed dense ridge and sparse planting technology has a spacing of 15 cm to 20 cm, which not only increases the coverage, but also increases the yield and facilitates field management. 4. Sowing amount. The amount of imported seeds was 0.75 kg-1 kg per mu, and domestic seeds were 1 kg-1.5 kg per mu. The amount of saline land is appropriately increased. Dry areas cannot be overly dense due to insufficient moisture. When the amount of mu is dry, the lower limit is used, and when it is wet, the upper limit is used. 5. Sowing depth. The seed is very small, depending on the type of soil, depending on the type of soil, wet soil shallow sowing, dry soil slightly deeper. Usually 2 cm - 3 cm, sandy soil 3 cm - 4 cm, clay 2 cm, 6. Crackdown. If the soil is loose, it should be compressed once before sowing, so that it is easy to grasp the depth; after sowing, it will be suppressed again, which will help protect the earth. Third, management 1. Make up seedlings. After sowing, seedlings should be checked and replanted in a timely manner to ensure planting density. 2. Irrigation and drainage. Irrigation with furrow irrigation, irrigation can be. Pre-winter and after-green, the water was poured one by one. After cutting, depending on the drought conditions, timely watering was performed. When watering the new seedlings, three seedlings should be grown on the seedlings and the plant height should be 5 cm or more. The roots of the earthworms are not tolerant of flooding, and flooding for 24 hours will result in death. In the low-lying rainy season, attention should be paid to eliminating the accumulation of water in the field. 3. Fertilization. Apply base fertilizer before planting. Per ton of superphosphate 20 kg - 30 kg, and 2000 kg of manure applied at the same time. At present, bacterial fertilizers promoted throughout the country, such as production-promoting bacteria, EM, and sprayed treasure, can all promote the growth of earthworms. 4. weeding. After we turn green, we need to weed the seedlings and before and after the second cut. In general weeding after irrigation, cultivators, cuttings and chemical agents can be used. There are three types of chemical herbicides: one is the suitable soil-treating herbicides before sowing, such as diternamidine, diterpenem, glyphosate, etc.; the second is herbicides suitable for pre-emergence, such as ditergamine and quinones. , Dole, etc.; Third, post-emergence application of herbicides, such as Pu Shite, tofu, Bendazon and so on. However, note that the drug effect is not effective 2 weeks to 3 weeks prior to castration in order to avoid livestock poisoning. 5. Pest Control. After 4 years of growth, there are more pests and diseases in earthworms. Can be used to pharmacy, in advance castration, removal of diseased leaves and other methods to prevent and control, but the basic prevention and control measures is also the selection of disease-resistant varieties and pre-sowing drug seed dressing. 6. Harvesting.苜蓿 You can cast 3 times - 5 times a year. The pods range from about 7 days to 10 days from the initial flowering period to the full flowering period. The first time the pods are most suitable for the first flowering period (1/10 flowering), the protein content is the highest; the late flowering period cannot be later than florescence. Severe, stem fibrosis, decreased quality. The first weed harvest time is about mid-to-late May; depending on the conditions of water and fertilizer, it is cut once every 30 days - 40 days, leaving about 5 centimeters when castrated. It is not good if it is too high or too low; in the last time When castration, pay attention to stay for 40 days - 50 days of growth, in order to facilitate the winter. After castration, dry for a long time and bundling and storage in time. If it is too dry, it will cause fallen leaves and affect the quality of the grass. Fourth, the use of 1. Modulating hay. The most important use of earthworms is to modulate hay for livestock. Modulation hay should be picked on sunny days after harvest. Modulation to prevent the leaves off. If the pods are withered, they can be spread on the ground to squeeze the stalks out of the water. The modulation should be rapid so as to avoid loss of nutrition. After being made into hay, it is crushed and mixed with the concentrate to feed the livestock. 2. Green feeding. When feeding green, please pay attention to cutting and feeding, spread in the shade, do not pile overnight. Feeding amount per day: cows 25 kg - 30 kg, sows 10 kg, bred pigs 5 kg - 7 kg, chicken 0.1 kg - 0.15 kg. 3. Semi-dry silage. Because of its low content of starch and sugar, it is not suitable for silage alone, and silage is often mixed with corn. After wilting, the water content was reduced to 50%, and chopped corn was mixed with semi-dried silage as a protein supplement feed. V. Recommended varieties The domestic varieties suitable for planting in Hebei include Zhonggan No.1, Aohanuo, Cangzhou, Gongnong No.3, etc.; imported varieties include: Golden Empress (USA), Algonquin (Canada), etc. Among them, domestic varieties have strong adaptability and can be planted on mild saline-alkali land, especially Zhonghao No. 1. They are suitable for planting in the saline-alkaline lands in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain and Bohai Bay area or other similar inland saline-alkali lands; the yield and quality of imported varieties are relatively high. It is suitable for the cultivation of land with sufficient water and fertilizer and good soil quality. (Hebei Province Forage Feed Workstation, Zhang Huanqiang)

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