How to use pigs to disinfect antiseptics correctly

There are many types of antiseptic and antiseptic drugs for pigs, and their functions are different. If they can be used correctly, they can fully exert their antiseptic and antiseptic effects. Now we will classify various kinds of disinfectants as follows for reference by the majority of pig farmers. 1, 5% iodine and iodine glycerol 5% iodine, also known as iodine. Take 50 grams of iodine, 10 grams of potassium iodide, 10 ml of distilled water, and add 75% alcohol to 1000 ml. This medicine is used to disinfect the surgical site and injection site in pigs. For the disinfection of small area trauma, it is rubbed from the middle to the periphery and then de-iodized with 70% alcohol. The iodine glycerin solution is made of 50 g of iodine, 100 g of potassium iodide, 200 ml of glycerol, and 1000 ml of distilled water. For the disinfection of wounds, mucous membrane inflammation and ulcers. 2, 70% ethanol to take ethanol 70 ml, add distilled water to 100 ml made. The disease is used to sterilize the fingers, syringes, thermometers, and certain surgical instruments, as well as to sterilize the skin at the injection site. 3, from the Soviet Union children to the Soviet Union that is soluble in soap solution made of 50% coal phenol soap solution. When it is diluted with water, it will be diluted to 2%. It will be used to wash hands, skin and trauma. 3% to 5% of Su children are used to sterilize surgical instruments, pig houses, and feeding troughs. Can also be used for internal treatment of diarrhea, constipation, swine once orally 2, 3 ml, add water 100 ~ 150 ml. 4, sodium hydroxide sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda, is a highly alkaline and highly effective disinfectant, has a strong role in the killing of bacteria, spores and viruses, but also can kill certain parasite eggs. 2% sodium hydroxide solution is used for the disinfection of pig houses, feeding implements, and transport vehicles. 3%, 5% sodium hydroxide solution was used for disinfection of anthrax spore contaminated sites. When disinfecting a pig house, the pig should be driven out of the pig house first. After 12 hours interval, the pig is allowed to enter the house after washing the trough and the ground with water. 5, quicklime also known as calcium oxide, add water formulated as 10% to 20% lime milk for piggery, railings and ground disinfection. Calcium oxide 1 kg water 350 ml, generating slaked lime powder, can be scattered on the wet ground (the farm gate), around the dung pool and the ditch disinfection. 6, potassium permanganate Potassium permanganate also known as potassium permanganate, 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for mucosal wounds, ulcers, deep purulent wound washing and disinfection, can also be used for gastric lavage, oxidation of poisons to save pig life Alkali and cyanide poisoning. 7. Peroxygen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide, also known as hydrogen peroxide, is used to flush contaminated sores, deep purulent sores and fistulas with 3% solution. 8, Refrnoor commonly used 0.1% Reflanor solution rinse or wet wound infection. 9, benzalkonium bromide benzalkonium bromide, also known as benzene pills ammonium bromide, with 0.1% solution to disinfect the fingers, soak disinfection of the skin, surgical instruments and glassware. The use of 0.01% to 0.05% solution for vaginal, bladder mucosa and deep infections such as washing and disinfection. When using benzalkonium, it must not be used with soap. When soaking the device, 0.5% sodium nitrite should be added to prevent rust. 10. Sterilize the net with a 0.1% solution to sterilize the arm before surgery (soak for 5 to 10 minutes) and disinfect the skin of the surgical site. The porcine, nasal, vaginal, and bladder mucosa were disinfected with a 0.02% aqueous solution. 11, gentian purple gentian violet, also known as gentian violet, commonly used 1% to 2% solution on wounds, wounds, mucosal ulcers, eczema and small area burns, acne rubbed disinfection. 12. Ammonia 5% Ammonia water is used for spraying and disinfecting feed troughs, pig house floors, aisles and playgrounds. 13, formaldehyde formaldehyde, also known as formalin. Formulated as a 4% solution, it can be used to sterilize surgical instruments and soak for 30 minutes. 5% formalin alcohol solution can be used for surgical site disinfection. It can also be used as a gas disinfectant for fumigation disinfection in pig houses and rooms. Disinfection method is: 20 ml of formalin in a cubic volume, add the same amount of water, and heat to make it volatilize into gas. At room temperature above 15°C and relative humidity 60 to 80%, disinfect for 8-10 hours. 14, bleach bleach can kill bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi, used in piggery, feeding trough, vehicle disinfection. It is usually sprayed with a 5% to 20% suspension, sometimes with a dry powder. For drinking water disinfection, adding 0.3 to 1.5 grams of bleach powder per liter of water, not only sterilization, but also deodorant effect. 15, fast-acting iodine fast-improving iodine is a new iodine-containing disinfectant liquid, which has the advantages of wide-spectrum, quick-acting, non-toxic, non-irritating, non-corrosive, clean function, harmless to humans and animals, and can be used in pig houses and livestock. Body disinfection. Type I quick-improving iodine, for example, is used in piggery disinfection and can be formulated as a 300-400-fold dilution: For use in the feeding tanks, it can be formulated as a 350-500 dilution. Kill foot-and-mouth disease virus can be made into 100 to 150 times dilution.

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