Management of pig farms and weaned pigs in large-scale pig farms

In large-scale pig farms, feeding and management of suckling pigs and early weaned piglets must be done. It is directly related to the production efficiency of large-scale pig farms.

1. Feeding management of suckling pigs

(1) Have a good "Newborn off" Newborn pigs should eat colostrum in time. Fixed nipples are mainly for weak litters. Smaller, weaker piglets should be placed on the front side of the nipple to feed. Individuals with large primary weights and strong constitutions should be fixed on the back side of the teat to suckle. Iron supplementation and castration work are usually performed in a timely manner 2 to 3 days after birth, and the second iron supplementation is carried out according to growth and development conditions around 15 days of age.

(2) Have a good "Wang Shi Guan" General pigs 5 to 7 days of age can start feeding, feed to fresh palatability, it is best to use a circular feeding trough, start adding feed can be added to the amount of milk powder, etc. As a food attractant, it can also be fed with a thin feed. After feeding, the feed intake of the suckling pig at 3 weeks of age can reach 20 g/day or more, which is a good preparation for weaning.

(3) To have a good "weaning off" According to production practice, suckling pigs can generally be weaned at 21 to 28 days and weighing 6 to 7 kg. In order to reduce weaning stress, the weaning mother can be used to keep the weaning off, that is, to ensure that the weaned piglets are kept in the original bar for about 2 weeks, then transferred to the rearing bar of the nursery, and gradually change the feed and rearing system to make the weaned piglet There is a good period of adaptation.

(4) Doing a good job in preventing and treating yellow and white fleas Yellow and white fleas are one of the common diseases in the suckling period. Escherichia coli K88 and K99 vaccines can be injected 2 weeks before the sow, or the yellow and white pigs can be used. Prenatal sows are fed feces, 2 or 3 times a week. For the piglets that have already developed yellow and white diarrhea, they should be promptly treated. In general, antibiotics can be injected intramuscularly, or drugs can be used to drink water.

(5) Doing a good job of immunization The pig farm should formulate a corresponding immunization procedure according to the actual situation of the farm; if the immunization of the suckling pig is to be done well before the sucking of the suckling colostrum, it can be breast-feeded only after 2 hours, otherwise it will be inoculated. invalid.

2. Feeding management of early weaned pigs

Early weaned pigs refer to piglets whose weaning age is 21 to 28 days. Traditional weaning is 45 to 60 days old. The average annual number of farrowing sows used in early weaning sows and commodity pigs provided per sow year may be increased, but special attention must be paid to the following work.

(1) Providing good quality feed Early weaned piglets are often subjected to adverse effects such as decreased feed intake or food waste due to weaning stress, and may suffer from indigestion and diarrhea after 2 days. Therefore, to select good quality feeds, it is best to use the same feed types as before weaning and continue until the transfer. The reloading should be done step by step. At least a transition period of 3 to 5 days is required to facilitate the weaned piglet to adapt to the new feeding environment and feeding methods.

(2) Good prevention and treatment of diseases Early weaning piglets should emphasize the need for good immunization work, especially vaccines against swine fever, Streptococcus, disease No. 5, edema, and E. coli, as well as drug prevention. , In the drinking water appropriate addition of vitamin B, etc. to improve the anti-stress ability, the diseased weaned piglets should be treated promptly.

(3) Safe transfer to nursery homes Early weaned piglets are kept for about 2 weeks after being kept in the bar, and they can basically pass the weaning stress and can be safely transferred to the nursery. Piglets transferred to nursery homes should also be strengthened in feeding and management in order to survive the transitional stress period safely.

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