Fruit corn cultivation method

Compared with ordinary corn, super-sweet corn has the advantages of high quality, high yield, short growth period and wide adaptability, and is highly favored by producers and consumers. However, the ultra-sweet corn seed shrivels, the endosperm nutrient supply is poor, the young shoots have weak top soil, the seedlings are soft, the stress resistance at the seedling stage is weak, and the adverse factors such as deep sowing, drought, chills, cold, weeds, and insects are sown. It will lead to lack of seedlings and ridges in the field, poor seedlings, and weak growth; the stems and leaves of adult plants are rich in sugar and have a certain attraction to pests. When the milk is ripe, the fresh fruits are sweet and sweet, and they are good for rats. The temptation is vulnerable to locusts, locusts, rodents, etc. during tasseling to milking. If field management is not strengthened, it can easily lead to reduced yields or even no harvest. The main technical measures are:
I. Timely replanting of seedlings to ensure that the number of seedlings per acre is the primary condition for ensuring basic production per acre. Insufficient number of basic seedlings per acre is a very common phenomenon in current production, and the use of seedling transplanting techniques can to a certain extent. To solve this problem, but under the condition of live broadcasting, it is not immune. Remediating the seedlings in a timely manner is an effective way to solve this problem. The specific approach includes 1 to 40% seed per pond when the live broadcast of Daejeon is closed. From 2 or more ponds (acupoints), seedlings were transplanted and transplanted to empty ponds. At least 2 of the original ponds were preserved. Two plants per pond were planted and water was poured on the roots. 2 When seedlings make up for the lack of live broadcasting in Daejeon, several rows of planting ditch are made in the gaps between the rows. The ditch is 5 to 6 cm in width and the ditch is 10 cm in depth. The seeds will be laid on the bottom of the ditch, and the cover soil will be 2 to 3 cm. Remove the transplanting shovel. The seedling age should not be too large. It is advisable to use one leaf to two leaves and one heart. In this period, the number of seedling leaves is small, the root is shorter and smaller, and the rooting power is strong. When taking seedlings, it is not easy to injure the roots. The transpiration of the leaves after transplanting is also effective. Weak, easy to live. Transplanting work is best done on rainy days.
Second, timely weeding ripping soil and ordinary corn, super-sweet corn seedling stage mainly root growth, stem and leaf growth is slow, seedling growth potential, resistance is weaker than ordinary corn, diligent weeding, loose soil, to improve the field Ventilation and light transmission, promote root growth, is conducive to the formation of strong seedlings.
Third, the appropriate time Dingmao super sweet corn seedlings soft, vulnerable to death after infestation, compared with ordinary corn, the timing of seedlings to be later. Usually 5 leaf time seedlings once, leaving two per pond, 6 to 7 leaves when the Dingmiao, according to plant type, leaf type, sowing time, soil fertility and other factors, the basic seedlings per hectare controlled within 52500 ~ 60000 strains. If semi-compact super sweet corn is planted in vegetable fields with high soil fertility in spring and summer, the basic seedlings per hectare can be set at about 57,000; in the winter, about 60,000 plants can be planted.
4. The super-sweet corn of the tiller-extracting pod has the characteristics of good tiller and multiple spikes. The tiller is generally released from the third and fourth leafhoppers and grows rapidly. In most cases, two twigs per plant are distributed symmetrically. When sucking the nutrient of the main plant when young, but the growing trend is always weaker than the main plant. When the male is pumped, the top of the filament cluster is out of the plant and can not become a panicle. The existence of the tiller plant will cause malnutrition of the main plant and affect the development of the ear, on the other hand, it will cause the field. Shade, poor ventilation and light transmission, affect the growth of plant populations should be promptly removed. When the tiller is relatively small, it is easy to pull off and the residue will continue to grow. Therefore, the best time for pulling out the tiller is to remove the tiller when it is about 20 centimeters long, so as to leave it clean and free of residue.
V. Prevention is the main reason. The super-sweet corn stems and leaves are inspected succulently and sweetly. They are objects that are harmful to underground pests, aphids, and stickworms. Ants, etc., eat embryos and endosperm, and hollow out seeds, resulting in lack of ponds. The ground tiger bites off whole seedlings from near the surface; aphids are found deep in the stem base of the plant and feed on the whole plant seedlings; the armyworm rapidly grows and feeds on the leaves, causing many gaps and white streaks, which seriously affect the leaves. Photosynthesis. Inspect insect pests to determine the occurrence of pests and the extent of harm, providing the basis for timely prevention and control.
For the plots with more underground pests, seed dressings, phoxim and other seed dressings should be selected at the time of sowing, and they should be mixed or used with 15% tetrofossil 37.5-45 kg of soil per hectare; 290 Percentage of trichlorfon 800 times liquid root irrigation; 350% phoxim EC 500 times liquid root irrigation, 8 to 10 days irrigation, irrigation 2 to 3 times. When aphids and stickworms are heavy, they can be sprayed with 1 enemy-killed, insecticidal double, dichlorvos, etc., and sprayed once every 5 days for a total of 2 sprays; 2 3% carbofuran granules are 45-60 kg per hectare. Apply to the bell mouth in the seedling stage.
6. After cultivating soil and cultivating super-sweet corn in the cultivating stage, the super-sweet corn is accelerated, the internodes are elongated, and the leaves are also rapidly growing and widening. At this time, the cultivating soil on the cultivator can eliminate field weeds and eliminate pests on the one hand. The host, on the other hand, can make the compacted soil layer loose and breathable, which is conducive to the secondary roots under the ring, stretching and extension; the recovery of fertilizer can make the stem thick and thick, thick and green leaves. The best time for top-dressing joint fertilizers can be calculated based on the corn leaf age index (fixed value) and the total number of leaves, for example: 30% (leaf joint age index) 20 (the total number of leaves of a species) = 6 unfolded leaves, That is, when the sixth leaf is completely unfolded, it is the best time to chase the joint fertilizer. Similarly, the best time for raising panicle-fertilizer is: 45% (leaf age index for big bell-mouth period) 20 (total number of leaves for a certain species) = 9 unfolded leaves. Fertilizer can choose urea, carbon ammonia and other available nitrogen fertilizers, chasing 300 to 450 kg per hectare.
Seventh, the end of the heart and leaf stage prevention and control of locusts The end of the heart and the leaves refers to the eve of tasselling, only 2 to 3 yellow-white young leaves have not yet extracted the young tassels. According to the law of aphids, corn is most attractive to aphids in the loose powder stage, followed by the end of the leaf stage and the milk stage. When entering this period, it can be used 1 per hectare with 5% Regent suspension 600 ~ 750 ml; 290% insecticide single 750 g; 3 25% fast kill Ling II agent 750 ~ 900 ml uniform spray control; 4 3% grams Budweiser granules, 1 gram per plant, were applied to large bell mouths. If the aphids are heavy, use 150% anti-influx 3000 times; 24% omethoate 1500 times even spray control. Into the spinning period, 150% of dichlorvos EC can be used 800 times; 290% of trichlorfon 1000 times, evenly sprayed on the top of the ear and filament clusters.
8. The arrival of the big bell-mouth period at the big bell mouth means that the growth center of super-sweet corn will be transformed from vegetative growth with long roots, stems, and leaves to flowering, loose powder, silk drawing, insemination and grouting. Such as the sign of reproductive growth, the nutritional status of the plant during this period has a direct and important impact on the final yield. At this time, topdressing can promote grain size and spike size. The type of topdressing fertilizer can be quick-acting nitrogen fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate and urea at 450-600 kilograms per hectare.
Nine, timely irrigation to avoid "card neck dry"
Same as ordinary corn, super sweet corn likes big fertilizer and big water. Throughout the whole growth period, in terms of water demand, there is 1 seedling stage that is more tolerant to drought and less water required; 2 more water is needed during the jointing stage, and the water absorption capacity of the roots is stronger; 3 the large amount of water in the panicle stage is required, and the water deficit is the most Sensitive and other features. For the first 7 to 8 days before tasselling, if drought is encountered in the next 30 days, it will have serious effects on flowering, insemination, and fruiting, leading to a reduction in yield. In this period, the water holding capacity in the field should be maintained at about 80%, and the soil and weather conditions should be closely watched. If necessary, irrigation should be performed 1 or 2 times.
X. Artificially-assisted pollination increased the seed setting rate. Some super-sweet corn varieties soon after flowering and bulking. The filaments were only drawn out. In terms of individual plants, it did affect the possibility of fruiting, but for larger groups, it was generally acceptable. The difference in the fertility process that exists objectively and universally among the plants compensates for each other, and finally the harvest is obtained. Adopting artificial assistant pollination technology can further coordinate the relationship between male and female, achieve timely pollination, smooth fertilization, increase seed-setting rate, and reduce baldness rate. The specific approach is: flowering peak, at the peak of the daily loose powder (sunny about 9:00 to 11:00; cloudy about 11:00 to 14:00; rain is not loose powder) holding a long bamboo pole or self-made T-shaped wooden frame to Divide powder in the field one by one, continuously catch 3 to 4 days.
XI. Doing a Good Job of Exterminating Rats The super sweet corn ear has a sweet and fragrant taste. When it is close to milk, it is often eaten by rats and can cause great losses. Preventive measures: 1 After sowing, take rodent holes, rodents, traps and other comprehensive measures to carry out rodent control work; 2 After the loose powder is finished, excavate shallow ditches about 20 cm deep around the field, and select thicker mulch film. Every 3 to 4 meters is inserted into the ditch with bamboo poles fixed at two ends. The mulching film is about half a meter above the ground. It is compacted with soil on both sides without leaving any gaps. This method is very effective in rat prevention and can be used continuously.
Twelve to 25 days after timely pollinating of super sweet corn, the sugar content of the seeds can reach 20% to 24%, that is, the accumulation of sugar reaches a maximum value, and then it declines, and the more it drops back, the more pollinated. After about 25 days, the loquat leaves can be torn to check the grain maturity. Generally, the milky grain content is thick and the taste is the best. Over ageing, the seed coat becomes thicker, the sweetness decreases, crude fiber increases, and the taste quality decreases. After harvesting, the fresh corn sticks should be kept for 5 to 6 days to accumulate more protein, sugar, etc. to increase their feed value.

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